Thursday, February 21, 2013

Social Bookmarking Soulmate?

Hello again blogging world! So it’s been an interesting to start researching my focus a bit more. Did you know how many sites and articles are out there that are even remotely related to archaeology??  I could easily fill up this blog with just links to cool sites and cases. But . . . because I want to be a bit more analytical about it I have to be more selective about what I want to focus on. Sooo I was trying to find some other researchers and bloggers who have similar interests as myself. When I was using the site diigo, I decided to search around for ‘ethics of archaeology.’ One of the first members on diigo I came across was a user named  Mark Walker, who is an archaeologist.

Mark Walker is very active on diigo and has bookmarked a ton of interesting topics that are applicable to my blog and research focus. Through his tagging of blogs and archaeology I was able to find several useful groups and blogs (which I am now following): 
I found this group through him: https://groups.diigo which is a very useful group on diigo for tracking archaeological news and research papers. It’s kind of cool to see a site where professional archaeologists and other people who are just interested in the topic can share sources and blogs and what not! 

Several blogs that I was able to find through Mark Walker's profiles which helped me to go further into the archaeology blog world included:  

and  The online universities blog was incredibly helpful because it had a HUGE list of other blogs that deal with archaeology and anthropology. While anthro and archaeo are not the same thing. . . they are very closely linked and when you (like me) are trying to find ethical issues in archaeology. . . anthropology can be equally useful to figuring out ethical approaches and just trying to think about the past as not so different from the present.

Mark Walker uses diigo as a research/news article source saver-y place. He is very thorough in constantly using diigo to bookmark anthropology and archaeology news items and other useful articles for students.  Which makes sense because he is a professor (though whether his students can see/use his article list I have no idea). He has bookmarked 2126 bookmarks and is a part of two groups. One of the groups he is a part of is the archaeology group and the other is zotero. Zotero is a pretty awesome and useful site (which I just found out about) and is probably another location where he keeps more scholarly articles.
Some of the main tags on Mark's profile (which are useful to my own personal research) include: archaeology, history, research, anthropology and blogs. It is also extremely helpful because he bookmarks fairly frequently and keeps a list of blogs

Also Mark Walker if you ever read this please don't feel creeped out. Your social bookmarking has been very instructive and helpful to my research and blogging ability. Thanks so much for your dedication to documenting archaeology and anthropology news and research!

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