Friday, February 15, 2013

Crystal Skull Catastrophe

space gods?

2012 the end of the world! Nazca lines seen from the sky! They must be landing sites for aliens! Mayan cultural art has a SPACE SHIP! That must mean that Mayan's went to space! Alien shaped heads must be built and worshiped by aliens! 

Really now? Aliens? Seriously? Like that is the only reason for why these cultural artifacts look the way they do? Aliens? Oh come on please! 

Don’t even get me started on how freaking annoying it is to see people go along with the whole alien thing when it comes to archaeology. Even as a joke. . . or even in the movies. Because it is so so messed up. I don’t even like to acknowledge the fact that they made a fourth Indiana Jones movie based off this topic, like really? I know Indiana Jones always has something sorta magical or funky about the artifacts he finds, but crystal aliens and the treasure is knowledge? That’s a bit too much for me. And Indiana Jones isn’t the only movie that has tapped into this whole alien story. . . The referencing ancient artifacts pointing us to the stars and to aliens in the trailer of Prometheus was enough to make me sincerely consider never watching that movie.

Aliens? Really?

Why is it such an issue to portray or joke about aliens being the source of cultural history and things like the pyramids or Mayan architecture? Well for one thing some people actually DO believe aliens over people. And for another thing, it is a form of racism. In its ugliest form it is based off an assumption that the local people could not create these grand things like the pyramids or Mayan temples. It really was started with the perspective of conquerors and has a lot to do with the idea of social Darwinism and what “savages” are.
So logically the next step: Aliens, someone who was more intelligent than the “savages” had to come and build it. But why is it only the non-European works that are considered this way, Mayan works and Egyptian works have been especially well known for the whole alien theory? But really when you think about it no Greek and Roman things have been claimed (that I know of . . . I could be wrong) to have been built by aliens. So why can't other cultures be the same? Why can’t the Mayan’s have been clever enough to create their own incredible pyramids not using our current technology? We are talking homo sapiens here . . . same as us.

Supposed original location of the crystal skull
I think what happens is that people forget. They get so distanced from the past that they assume we are completely different from the people “back then.” And true there are some differences between people in the past and us . . . but that mainly has to do with our different culture and technology and lifestyles. People back then lived, loved, had dreams, worked hard, fought, ate and were like us.

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